Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Fat Cat

"Looks like I'll be getting that new carpet soon" quipped Jules as we watched our cat, Stitch, fail to to clear the top of the bed in an attempt to jump up. Jules is going to buy new carpet when the cat dies. She won't get it now because she doesn't want hairball stains on it.

In the past week we've watched Stitch hit the side of the bed, dresser, and coffee table.

He definately used a life on the coffee table - from embarrassment if not from a broken neck. Being lazy, Stitch jumped from the couch only to the 'edge' of what he thought was the table. He actually planted his front paws on a magazine that extended about an inch beyond the edge. His feet kept going till his face hit the table and caused him to flip backwards to the floor. It was the most ungraceful thing I've seen a cat do.

We got Stitch when Wookie gave up the "fire" about ten years ago. I don't know what that is in dog years but it doesn't seem too old to me. I suppose he is just heavier now and hasn't compensated for the extra weight. He used to be able to jump from my nightstand to the top of our armoire. Heck he routinely would make his way up the apricot tree to our roof to meow outside our window when he got locked out at night.  Now he rarely goes outside - and never in winter.

Years ago he got caught in a neighbors racoon trap. He was in it for about a day before the owner found him. Stitch started to limit his time outside then. One night we heard two cats fighting. The next morning we found orange tufts of fur all over the driveway. Stitch was missing for four days. When he showed up, he had a deep gash in his stomach. That's pretty much when he gave up outdoor life. Now he just stays in the house all day. He probably watches TV and eats cat nip when we are out.

So the cat is out of shape. I'll have to see what can be done to get him back in shape to put off the expense of a new carpet.