Sunday, January 6, 2013

A New Approach to Resolutions

Yesterday I was eating lunch with Jules and Raychee when Wookie walked in and eagerly declared success with her New Year's resolution even though we weren't a full week into the new year.

"What's that?" I asked.

"I'm not going to drink sodas" she beamed

"Why would you do that?" Sodas aren't a vice in the household, in fact we keep a stash of Diet Coke and Fresca in food storage, next to the canned peaches.

"I don't like soda" Wookie explained. "So I'll be able to keep this resolution"

It's true, Wookie doesn't drink much soda. Even at fast food resturants she gets the fruit punches. We even have a stash of non-soda liquid refreshments in food storage I call "Wookie drinks" because I use them for her lunches; usually fruit punch in loudly decorated containers or nasty Gatorade she seems to like.

Jules and I realized we were looking at this resolution thing the wrong way. Why not throw in a resolution or two that already matches your lifestyle?

We both resolved to stay clean and sober. I'll even stay off the Gatorade.


  1. I like your way of thinking! I'll resolve to not enter the lottery this year.

  2. That's hilarious! I'll have to admit I've done that a few times. It sure makes me feel good when I accomplish it!
