Saturday, January 15, 2011


The other day I was sorting and stocking women's outfits as a volunteer at the local DI when I got a text from the Wookie.


"Hey, I got a text from my daughter!" I told my fellow women's apparrel volunteer.

But wait, she doesn't usually text me during school. I check my watch - its 3:30. School's been out for 30 minutes. Did Jules forget to pick her up? I text back:

"How are you?"

No reply. I figure she texted me by mistake. I go back to the long sleeve, knit tops. Later Wookie tells me "I meant to text Helga*, but your name is right next to hers and I accidentally sent the text to you instead."

Well at least I was able to gain a glimpse into the world of communication between teenagers.

Parent-child communication is a bit different. Last night I got this text:

Wookie: "What time do I need to come home?"

I'm thinking 10:00 pm. I check my watch. Its 10:06. Dang, is it that late already? We'll she had the courtesy to ask so I don't tell her to come home immediately. I text:

Dad: "10:31 and a half"

I tell Jules that Wookie just texted. "I told her to come home at 10:31 and a half". I think that's funny, so does Jules. "I bet she asks to stay till eleven". Wookie replies:

Wookie: "What does that mean"

Dad: "Be home before 10:32"

Wookie: "How about eleven?"

Of course I don't want to O.K. eleven. That's late and besides what are Helga's parents going to think if I let her stay out till eleven.

Dad: "10:15"

Wookie: "What? Please?"

Dad: "Be home by 10:32"

Wookie: "Ten forty five?"

It's now 10:15. I'm wondering what the point is in staying later when all you are going to do is spend that time texting.

Dad: "Ok"

Wookie: "Dad! Thats only a fifteen min different"

Jules quotes Ferdy the Fence from the movie Stardust: "That's not negotiation! I'm changing my number!"

Dad: "How about coming home now?"

Wookie: "No! But I just foot set why"

Dad: "And I foot set because".

I'm having fun now. Jules smiles, but cautions me. She knows Dads and daughters have different ideas on whats funny.

Wookie: "What?"

Dad: "Just sayin..."

Wookie: "Saying what?"

Dad: "10:45"

Wookie: "Ok"

Its now 10:30. I make a mental note to see if I need to check into unlimited texting. Am I paying by the "hey" or the message?

At 10:46 I hear voices on the front porch. Close enough.

*Name changed to protect the innocent.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. She is more of a teenager than any of the rest of us were! And she isn't even a teenager yet. I foot set that.
