Friday, January 14, 2011


When I told Jules I was thinking about starting a new blog she looked at me with a slightly raised eyebrow "About what?"

"Not politics" I said.

We've been married over two and a half decades, so I knew what she was asking in those two words. I love her and she loves me. She proves it by listening to me yammer about politics, but she knows no one else does, at least willingly. No, this blog will be about family with no gratuitous links to political commentary. Earlier I was reading to her Mark Steyn's latest essay. Twenty minutes into it I noticed she was scrolling through KSL's channel guide on her I-phone. She doesn't watch TV.

"You're not listening are you?" I asked.

"No, I am, 'One fifth of British children are raised in homes in which no adult works'" she quotes back to me.

I smile. Like I said, she loves me.

The first task was coming up with a blog name. Francis Peak is already taken - it's my blog for political ranting. As you can see nothing's bothered me since April of last year. Before the internet, I would just talk back to the T.V. Now we have blogs; they are a great outlet - in fact if you check the site meter you'll see just as many people who heard me through the T.V. screen are also reading the blog.

Anatreptic is also taken. Mick Stockinger, the blog owner, allows me to post there. When I do, people actually read my posts, until they realize it isn't Mick's post. He has great insights and they are worth the read. But I warn you, occasionally you'll see the words "Hell" and "Damn" there. Even the "P-word". My new blog is going to be a "G"-rated, family friendly blog - so you won't see those words here.

I finally decided to choose a title from one of the movie quotes our family is fond of repeating to each other. I had several to choose from:

"Beef and Nazis"
"Why do we even have that lever"
"You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means." - O.K. a bit long.

"Soon to be the two of us", however, fits Jules' and my situation. We like it.

Wookie came in and asked what I was doing.

"He is making a new blog." Jules said

Wookie came to my side of the bed.

"Oh, this is fun - scoot over Dad, I'm going to help." she said.

New Times Roman Font for the title, courtesy of the Wookie. Hot pink background - out.

"Hey, I get it" she realized. "The title is about me."

"Don't worry, it's not personal" I said. "We still want you around. I thought it would be a fun title that the family can relate to"

There used be be seven of us under this roof, now there are only three.

"O.K." she said. She didn't seem worried. After all, she is in line to get a drum set.

So this blog is primarily for my family, or those who can be considered family ("She IS Family" I just had to throw that in). If you don't understand something, chances are you don't remember the movie, it's a family joke, or you missed the last family gathering. Or just a typo. I'll write about family happenings and may even quote a few scriptures. But be warned, the scriptures use works like "Hell", "Damn" and the "P-word".


  1. Love it! I have to admit, I thought it was going to be a political blog when I first heard about it. Made me laugh. Not sure what the P-word is though..guess I should go read my scriptures.

  2. I love it! ANd my first thought (literally, you can ask Nate) was "He's starting a blog and it's not political?!

  3. "Well, yes. Yes, everything's political." Perchik - Fiddler on the Roof

    Thanks Kate and Raych. I still like politics, but there are a whole of folks out there who are better at political commentary than I. It was also taking too long for me to compose those posts - what with the research and all. Here I can just write off the top of my head from my experience and if I lack that I can just make stuff up. More fun and easier.

    Raych, you must of missed those "P-word" discussions around the table. Not surprising since it was Kate that your brothers took delight in teasing. The word is "P". As in 1 Kings 21:21.

  4. I love it - so glad to have another family blog. And Soon you will be two - the next 6 years will fly by for all of us. We hope to still be around when you are just two!
